The Importance of Information Architecture in Web Design and its impact on User Experience.

Information Architecture is an aspect of web design that many designers often overlook or do not get a grasp of. For some web designers, it is either “Aesthetics over performance”, or “Aesthetics…


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5 Tips To Heal Yourself After a Breakup

Breaking up with someone is never easy and despite how the relationship ends, you will need time to process the various emotions that will arise. While some may turn to love songs, sad Netflix movies, and crying, what is most important is healing yourself prior to finding someone new. It will take time to heal your heart, and jumping into a rebound relationship may result in lust not love. Carrying baggage from one relationship into another is not fair to yourself nor the new partner because both of you deserve a clean slate. Below are five tips to help you overcome a recent heartbreak.

Being with another human being can be challenging especially if there is unresolved trauma or toxicity from prior relationships. Giving your love to another and it be unrequited, or succumbing to your partner’s emotional immaturity can have you placing all your energy in your partner while you are left… empty. Solitude isn’t always easy, but there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. In this day and age I find that individuals fall in love with another without first falling in love with themselves.

There will be lots of alone time without the constant FaceTime calls, dates, and good morning texts, but it is important to nurture yourself during this period of self-discovery. Find the time to journal, take nice socially distanced walks, or acquire a new hobby in order to occupy your mind from the heartbreak, and learn about yourself. I also suggest taking as much time as necessary to process the various emotions that will arise throughout this time. Loving your single self and re-evaluating future expectations for another partner is crucial to preventing another ill-fated relationship. Remember that it is important “To fill your own cup before you can flow into the lives of others”- Unknown.

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